Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday, Sept. 23rd

1) Club Day Reflection - we did it!
       All - lessons learned?
       Group - self assessment and debriefing

2) Communication Plan - let's use Google docs

Every event must now use a shared document to plan and prepare an action plan. All lists, posters, event details must be documented.

3) Share the Terry Fox Link on FB and everywhere...

4) Project Ideas Handout

5) Lab today - 

  1. Finish personal mission statement. Typed
  2. Explore Google Docs - see checklist
  3. Begin at least one project shared document. International group especially.
  4. I will be working with the Terry Fox group. 
  5. Clubs group to write a group reflection and submit leadership rubrics. 
  6. All documents must be shared with me 

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