Tuesday, November 15, 2011

PJ's and Poster Design

1) PJ Day - MPR booked - need to talk to Ms. Gerome about screen and projector. Need to bring kettles for hot chocolate... and find one of those big silver things. Need to find out if we can stream the show in the MPR - can wireless do it? Do we need a loooooooooooong network cord.... or should we plan it in another room - say next door and take out all the desks and tell everyone to bring blankets and pillows? Announcements.

Random - what about a randome acts of kindness week?

2) A good leader helps us to see. A great leader helps us to feel. Leaders can do that in so many ways - you were trying this with your videos. Now let's try it with visual design, with posters.... What are the essentials of excellent visual presentation? 

3) Everyone to paint a PJ Day sign. Flood the school with spirit... you can work in a pair. No large groups.

Examples to consider - what do they share in common?

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