Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Busy, busy, Wednesday!

(I am away at a workshop on student mental health at the School Board Office today.)

First up, we have a guest speaker from Habitat for Humanity - Joey Clarkson, musician, performer, teacher and community go-getter. She has an idea for fundraising that she would like to share.

Okay, back to business. Ms. March will help you to get busy sorting out who is going to work on what. Here is the to-do list:

Moustache Day
- Sadie and B - take the photos off the camera and make a large printout of each. It would be great if we could figure out how to attach these to a box, jar, something like that for fundraising next week.
- Taylor and Cole and ??? - finish Moustache Day posters - make lots of different ones. Remember to advertise the prize for the biggest moustache, made or grown.
- Rebecca, etc... - other ideas for Moustachio events???

Term Assembly
Find Ms. Swanson - plan away...

Christmas Hampers
Madeleine... - I need final numbers and AG's so that I can let the organizers know by the end of the week.

Post photos to our Facebook page?

Talent Show 
- planning continues...
- help with DECORATING
- start advertising dates?
- start encouraging talented students to participate
- start asking teachers to participate too - Mr. Senner? Ms. Williams?

Christmas Planning Begins
- Holiday assembly ideas? Do you remember last year's?
- The annual AG holiday photo contest? Do you remember last year's? No... go to the Highland Leadership facebook page and scroll way, way down to find last year's slide show. You can play it in class...
- What other December events??
- How do we want to acknowledge the whole end of the world thing?

Other ideas...What about a winter carnival? Winter entrepreneurship fair (student made gifts)? New Year's Boxing Match.

Bullying Awareness Week - What about an AG activity Friday - where we ask everyone take a pledge like they do at the Argo's game to:  “I will not stand by, I will stand up.”  See story here: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/grey-cup-rally-delivers-anti-bullying-message-to-students/article5498848/ Kim? Make a handout? I will get it out to all AG's....

More ideas must be out there! :) Have a great day!

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