Monday, April 28, 2014

Leadership Assignments Term 4

What kind of leader are you? 

Complete the following questionnaire and print out the results page. In pen, write your name and a minimum of 5 sentences explaining what the results taught you about yourself. Hand this is to Ms. Colborne

Create a Mission Statement

A mission statement tells you who you are, and what you really value.
An example - written by your teacher:
I will start everyday with an open mind and heart.
I will try to stay positive, even when life really gets awful.
I want to be caring.
I want to be creative.
I want to live a life filled with thoughtful reflection and a little bit of adventure.
I aspire to travel.
I hope to fill my days with family.
I want to be a good role model for my students, of how to make the best of this amazing life.

Go to:  and do the work to create a PERSONAL MISSION statement. Print off the results. Now, take your favourite lines and create a visual/poster of your mission statement. Hand this in with your name on the back.

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