Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Best Graduation Speeches

Grad is this weekend. 

Let's look at some of the best grad speeches of recent history. Each one offers some leadership advice, at the very least some advice about how to be a better person:

David Foster Wallace, 2005

Steve Jobs, Stanford, 2005

Conan O'Brien, 2011

Soooo - if you were in charge of the grad speech, what would you say? Groups....

Monday, April 28, 2014

Leadership Assignments Term 4

What kind of leader are you? 

Complete the following questionnaire and print out the results page. In pen, write your name and a minimum of 5 sentences explaining what the results taught you about yourself. Hand this is to Ms. Colborne

Create a Mission Statement

A mission statement tells you who you are, and what you really value.
An example - written by your teacher:
I will start everyday with an open mind and heart.
I will try to stay positive, even when life really gets awful.
I want to be caring.
I want to be creative.
I want to live a life filled with thoughtful reflection and a little bit of adventure.
I aspire to travel.
I hope to fill my days with family.
I want to be a good role model for my students, of how to make the best of this amazing life.

Go to:  and do the work to create a PERSONAL MISSION statement. Print off the results. Now, take your favourite lines and create a visual/poster of your mission statement. Hand this in with your name on the back.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Interim Assessment, A Mission Statement and some to-do's...

1) Please complete this interim assessment, in detail: I will be sending these home by email.

2) A Mission Statement - knowing your values will help you to create a better life, and will make you a better leader.

  1. Let's use this mission statement builder and see what happens! :)
  2. Check out these examples for inspiration: 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Think Pink

(Update about bake sale and pancakes...and tomorrow's assembly...and did you get a pink shirt? Return shirts to Taiji.)

1) What did you think of the play yesterday?   
Please fill in the feedback form.

2) Today's Challenge - an act of kindness OR a brainstorm of ideas for pink shirt day OR your current project.

What can you do to make this place better today? What about... a note of gratitude? Positive notes up in all the bathroom stalls? Dream big!