Monday, September 17, 2012

Work Week!

Are you ready to lead? 
(TOC - please read and print out, as needed)

  • This is the week that you get all the time you need to work on whatever project you want to attach yourself to (see choices and to-do list below). 
  • I hope in the first two weeks you have understood that it takes maturity, heart, impulse control and loads and loads of positive energy to be a leader. 
  • Let me say, that you're a great group of students... I see we have a lot of natural leaders, and lots and lots of energy, so I believe you will do great things this semester.
  • Okay, here are you choices of what to work on today:                                                                                  

Terry Fox Run Events - To Do Ideas (I'm sure Rhea has a list, as well):
- Start Designing Daily Announcements - email those to and I can submit them to the office for you.
- Ask Mr. Lagrandeur if he wants us to make the dedication board. "I'm running for..."
- I think the posters we were given do not have the date  - can you make and put up an add on sheet that has the day and the date? Ex. Highland's Biggest Terry Fox Run Sept. 27th, 2012...wear costumes, raise money...prizes to be won.
- Make banners... paint is around my desk. Paper is in the staffroom. Keep the message simple and clear.
- Every AG teacher needs a way to submit names to a draw. Can someone begin to design a sheet that has tickets that can be cut out by and AG teacher and a place for a teacher to write a student's name on each ticket?
- Do what Rhea says. :)

Create a Spirit Day Group - I think we should host a spirit day this Friday. Let's keep this first one simple. Something like a Ties and Tiaras Day or, maybe, given the NHL lockout, we could have a dress like a Sports Hero Day (this could be a great way to launch the sports teams who are having some of their first games this weekend).
- First, decide on a theme. 
- Paint at least 6 banners - put 'em up.
- Create small posters - keep the message straightforward.... print 20 and put them up.
- Write announcements for Tuesday - Thursday, and then email them to
- If you can think of an easy lunch-time even to attach to the spirit day, let me know... like, if you go with the sports theme, watching an old classic hocket game in the multi-purpose room at lunch... or...???

Random Acts of Kindess Group
- find positive quotes on the internet and post them up around the school... make sure each and every one is appropriate for a school. 

Social Networking Crew - go to our facebook page and like it... then I will see about making some of you administrators so that you can post photos and announcements. For starters, you can each take an ipod out of the library and start taking photos of Leadership students at work - then, you can download the photos and make a slideshow. Give it a try! 

Independent Idea Groups - Hatch a plan of your own. Fill in an event planning form.

PS - the bookable lab is for us today... spread out... :)

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