Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness

1) Random Acts of Kindness - You guys said it - Leaders are kind.

(insert photo here)

2) Another true inspirational story...

Anyone on Twitter? What's it like on Twitter? What do the people you follow tweet about? An funny story I have about Twitter and a Highland Grad....

Meet @westhighbros -

And, on the Today Show:
What Random Acts of Kindess could you do? Pay it forward, etc...?

Did you know that Highland Leadership has a Twitter page? @

2) To - Do List

Concession Plan

Facebook - update with Avenue Q ( Pink Shirt Day, Electives Showcase...

Pink Shirt Day - What's the plan? Fill me in... And, posters up! Banner too!

DI Regionals Decorating team - you're doing great. Keep it up!

Music Fest?

Avenue Q Concession - we need a shift schedule and a purchase/sales plan plus some food safe stuff to think about

Nothing to do? What about a RAK? :)

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