Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday - To Do

I'm away sick and icky. So sorry.
Mr. Janz will help you all to find something to work on.

Here is a prioritized list:

  1. All Complete Self Assessment FEB - it is in the class somewhere...DUE today.
  2. Concession - please fix menu - cookies should be 50 cents. I have the water bottles. Ask in the office for a cashbox for tomorrow. Decorate. Update inventory.
  3. Letter to Editor - please type up the list... and email to me at 
  4. Highland has Heart - can we have a team make a GIANT get well card to mail to Nick Matous (recently seriously injured and in the hospital in Vancouver? Then, we can go around the school with blank pieces of white paper TODAY... getting hundreds and hundreds to sign them sending Nick their good wishes. Then we can just paste those pieces of paper into the card and roll it up and mail it like a poster to the hospital in Vancouver. 2 people to make giant card. Four teams of two or three to go around talking to classes and asking people to sign. Remember to explain that you are from the Leadership class and that we want to send Nick all the heart and good wishes that we can... leave it on my desk and I will mail it ASAP.
  5. Planning a next spirit day?
  6. What about a team to research spirit day ideas online?
  7. Oh, and did you see how many people liked our Highland Shake video?! Wow! Bravo to Jeff for the concept and the follow through and the dance moves, Jellie and Marshall. So fun. :)
  8. Talk to Mr. Kochanuk about clean up of DI decorations.
  9. Other ideas out there?
See you Wednesday.

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