Sunday, October 30, 2011

Manic Monday

The Faierie Queen of Peace and Love says... we have tonnes to do today!!!

1) Slideshow of Pumpkins to TV's

2) Prizes for Best Pumpkins - Tally
                                           - Candy Buckets
                                           - Announcements
                                           - AG Delivery

3) What should we do with the pumpkins in the multi-purpose room? Smash afterschool? Compost with Eco Team? Take them somewhere?

4) Clean-up decorations in MPR. Deco gym door for costume parade.

5) I need volunteers to help with lunchtime costume parade...
                                         - make prize bags
                                         - talk to Mr. Friesen
                                         - music on Ms. C's Ipod

6) I feel like I am forgetting something....thank you cards! What else?

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