Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Persuading - Or how to sell a toothbrush...

1) What is a pitch? (Matt Damon and Ben Affleck story)

2) Can you sell a toothbrush? Pairs brainstorm. Who wants to try?

3) Here's the deal:
  • Believe it yourself. Passion and energy persuade!
  • Have a vision. Can you describe your idea in 20 words or less? Can you make someone "see" it? Imagine...
  • Be a perfectionist when it comes to promotional materials. Your poster should be visually engaging, your brochure should be triple-edited, your presentation should follow the 10/20/30 rule, etc...
  • Dress like a leader. 
4) Who wants to try to sell that toothbrush again?

5) Project time - see notes on board...

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