Wednesday, October 19, 2011

To do, to do, to do!

Hi everyone, my little daughter has fallen sick, so I am away today... my apologies.

1) What are your sparks? Read as whole class. Discuss these questions: Does the list of sparks make sense? What is your spark? Does school give you a place for you to ignite your sparks? If you do not have a spark, pick one to try out - make that your personal project. Monday, I will ask you to write about this topic... so mull over your sparks over the weekend.

Now, here is your massive TO DO list - divide and conquer:
  • The Halloween Announcements must be emailed to me, to forward to the front desk staff -
  • The hallway bulletin board must have Halloween information on it today.
  • Please ask the front desk staff if they will be costume judgers on the Monday.
  • A voting ballot needs to be made for pumpkin selections - all the AG's and three categories...
  • Gym Blasters must have the notes to teachers in their boxes to help in their classes on Monday, if needed. Confirm with Ms. Swanson that prizes and supplies are ready to go. I will contact Youth Unlimited for a Monday pick up. Are we ready for Tuesday?? If we aren't what are we missing?
  • Spookogram candy bags need to be made. I will drop off supplies at some point today... Oh ya, and we need an announcement for this too. The table should be set up at lunchtime - Wed, Thursday and Friday - deliveries will need to be made on the Monday. How are we going to do this?? Figure out a way. Email me the plan and the announcement. Spookogram help is needed, please volunteer to help, if you have not got a task in progress.
  • Other personal, group project planning - we have the Bookable Lab if we need it.
Have a great weekend!

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